okay, this is going to be a small scavenger hunt for this laughter but i think it will be worth your effort. if you get a chance swing by a news stand or a grocery store and find a copy of the december issue of seventeen magazine with nicole richie on the front, flip it open to the first page, give it a look, and i don't think it will take you to long to enjoy a good laugh at my expense. Look for the New KSwiss ad.
i will now go ahead and answer, what i feel is going to be the most popular question, right now.
the answer is yes, i borrowed the jean jacket from a 12 year old girl for that ad.
just kidding they put me in the shirt and jean jacket.
other magazines you can find this in:
december teen people with ashlee and jessica simpson on the cover, about 5 or 6 pages in
december teen vogue
december vibe with mary j. blige
and supposedly about ten other magazines
I am prepared to hear many jokes coming in my direction, so don't let me down.
I'm an idiot,
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